Bellows sleeves and rolled , braided steel , fittings , end fittings, machines for the production of metal hoses


The designation of SRMV machines consists of the following:
  • Profiling mechanism type:
    • SRMV.3 profiling mechanism with 3 pairs of rollers, for RMV3 hose production;
      SRMV.4 profiling mechanism with 4 pairs of rollers, for RMV1, RMV2, RMV3 hoses production;
      SRMV.5 profiling mechanism with 5 pairs of rollers, for RMV1, RMV2, RMV3 hoses production;
      SRMV.6 profiling mechanism with 6 pairs of rollers, for RMV1, RMV2, RMV3, RMV4(SSS) and RGMV1 hoses production;
      SRMV.7 profiling mechanism with 7 pairs of rollers, for RMV1, RMV2, RMV3, RMV4(SSS) and RGMV1 hoses production.

  • Coiling mechanism type:
    • 5-30.4D for round hoses DN5-30 production, 4-coordinated
      20-100 for round and polygonal hoses DN20-100 production;
      50-150 for round and polygonal hoses DN50-150 production;
      70-360 for round and polygonal hoses DN70-360 production;
      70-360.2D.U for multiangular hoses DN70-360 production, 2-coordinated, multipurposed, long-stroked.

  • Coiling process control system types:
    • A Semi-automatic control system for the production of round and polygonal hoses DN 20-360mm, with manual adjustment of coiling system by the use of spring-cylinders;

      MFA Multifunctional automatic control system for the production of multiangular hoses DN 20-360mm, with automatic adjustment of coiling system by the use of pneumatic cylinders;

      Mechatron Mechatronic complex for high-precision control of coiling process during production of round hoses DN 5-30mm, with exactly repeated parameters of hose's flexibility, with automatic adjustment of coiling system.

  • Examples of SRMV machines designations when ordering

    • SRMV.3.20-100.A
      • - designation example of SRMV machine for round square-locked hoses DN 20-100mm production, with 3 pairs of profiling rollers, with automatic control system. This model recommended for making wiring protecting metal hoses.

    • SRMV.4.50-150.А
      • - designation example of SRMV machine for round and polygonal square-locked and double interlocked hoses DN 50-150mm production, with 4 pairs of profiling rollers, with automatic control system. This model recommended for making metal hoses for exhaust systems.

    • SRMV.5.50-150.A
      • - the same as previous, with additional pair of rollers for marking metal strip.

    • SRMV.5.5-30.4D.Mechatron
      • - designation example of SRMV machine for round square-locked and double interlocked hoses DN 5-30mm production, with 5 pairs of profiling rollers, strip marking, with 4-cordinated adjustment of axis feed profiled strip to coiling mechanism, with automatic adjustment of coiling system. This model recommended for making stainless metal antivandal hoses.

    • SRMV.6.70-360.2D.MFA
      • - designation example of SRMV machine for round, polygonal, multiangular; square-locked, double interlocked, double interlocked SSS profile hoses DN 70-360mm production, with 6 pairs of profiling rollers, with 2-cordinated adjustment of axis feed profiled strip to coiling mechanism, with multifunctional control system of coiling process. This model recommended for making ventilation, extraction and delivery hoses.

    • SRMV.7.70-360.2D.MFA
      • - the same as previous, with additional pair of rollers for marking metal strip during production double interlocked SSS profile hose.